Tetra Pond Crystal Water

Tetra Pond CrystalWater

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Tetra Pond CrystalWater

Rapidly clears dirty pond water

  • Quickly clears murky, brown water
  • Clumps particles so they sink, or are more easily removed by the filter
  • Safe for fish, plants and wildlife


Shake well before use. Add 50ml of CrystalWater per 1,000 litres (220 gallons) of pond water. Use the dosing cap provided. For even distribution, mix the required amount in a watering can full of water, and pour over pond surface.

Important – not suitable for use in very soft water (carbonate hardness below 2°dH). If soft water conditions are likely (e.g. in soft water regions, following periods of heavy rainfall, use of rainwater in pond etc), please check carbonate hardness before use. Contact Tetra or your supplier for more information.